it's also not easy to find the right match..
you will know when u find the right one..
someone that you can trust and lean on..

someone that always besides u.. no matter what happen..good or bad..

someone that can cheers you up and enjoys life with..

YOU & ME...

ade gak kaki kami..kebetulan CANDID time nih..
bile nak fly lagi neih...
anyway, jodoh di tangan tuhan..
kite doa yg terbaik utk diri kita...AMIN..
byk jemputan kawen nih..korang byk x??
nak kena manage leklok kalu bole sume pn nk attend..
kalu x bole tuh minta maaf la ye..
this sunday je, ada 3 jemputan kawen & 2 open house..
mlm nya nk layan teater..
3 oct je fully book..
byk gak dpt jemputan kawen
tp byk yg x dpt di penuhi la
sbb sabtu keje half day
nak pergi pon segan je sbb dah lewat
la ye ke..adeh..susah kan kalu keje wiken nih..
minggu nih nbyk open house minggu depan banyak kawen.hehe
banyak nya majlis makan2.. sampai 5 majlis 1 hari.. isk3~
wah...full dgn ;)
sy nak pinjam ayat2 dlm n3 ni boleh...(^_^)
jom ke APA KATA HATI pulak,
cikhelena: mmg byk jemputan tu..
nafira : byk kan..pegi mane yg mampu..
nabilah : bole je..mane 1 tu..
nanti ada boifren nak tangkap gambar kaki sama sama gak lah.
wooy... really busy ma.. ehehe..
anyway, yea, it's difficult to find the right one..
Enjoy your day! ^^
pilih la yg terbaik :)
btw, saya nk booking awak 3rd oct ni for my bufday party yea.. HIHIH
nard : sila2...heee..
fzikuz : thanks fren..busy gilos..
ciek niena : ye ke..happy birthday..
huhuh ex bf aku... anta kad kawenn.. hhuhuhu... dh lame x singgah sini...
ye ke..sedey x..
singgah la selalu..
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