Bagi free movie tickets entitled Date Night...
I watched the movie with my sis..cause Mr Oppa was working last nite...rugi tau...
Dah semangat nak tengok nih tibe2....
Movie keluar Clash of the Titans...
Kecoh gak la..Bro seat depan pandang belakang tanya 'Tengok cite ape??'
Date Night same la..tibe2 cam confuse memasing...
Technical problem..silap pasang..
So kene la tunggu 30minutes...
Tengok sane sini..ckp itu ini...
9.30 baru kuar kt screen...
Every moments tengok cite tu memang gelak besar hokay..
Best giler...
Actually they are very good couple and happening..
Ye la..Husband and wife sangat funny...Ade jer nk melawaks..
Even dating mcm syok je..Tiru suara org bagai...
I like this one 'I choose only u all the time'..
Waaaaa btul2.. stuju banget.. cite nih beshhh!!! lepas tgk rase mcm kkite lebih appreciate ape yg ade kat sisi kite... salam singgah :)
yesza..cite ni smpikan msg gak kan..
tgk smlm ke..
dem~~~ aku tak dapat tiket free ni..huhu..besa yg masuk dapat..tak luck plak kali ni
la ye ke..sbb sy 1st time x dpt chance la yek..
how was the movie? Best?
it was superb..every moments you will laugh..release tension..
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